Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Detailed Information About New Jersey Beekeepers

By Doris Rivas

It is possible for New Jersey beekeepers to practice bee rearing together with other farm activities. Some farmers do this with the aim of boosting their crop yield. This is possible as bees boost flower pollination when they visit them in search of nectar. Beekeeping products such as wax and honey are sold to raise additional income.

Every state has a department entrusted with formulating as well as enforcing marketing and labeling measures in this sector. It monitors all activities that involve handling of bees such as rearing, breeding, transportation and research. Any one intending to raise bees as a hobby or for commercial purposes, he is entitled to register with them prior to implementation. He will then be issued with a renewable permit if his application is considered. Regular inspections are mandatory in order to make sure the person comply with all safety measures.

Despite the fact that bees are helpful, some of their activities can be harmful which calls for the farmer to look for liability insurance. In addition, the farmer should be aware of both existing and upcoming pests and diseases in order to keep a healthy hive. If a farmer is to succeed, he must keep in touch with new developments on this sector.

It is the responsibility of a given beekeeper to ensure that his bees are registered with the department of agriculture. Once registered, the department will normally carry out inspections on regular basis to ensure that that all safety and health measures are in place. When moving bees from one state to another, permits should be obtained from authorities of both states. Inspection will be done before relocation as well as immediately the bees arrive in the new state. Follow up inspections are also common and they are aimed at ensuring all is well.

As a beginner, it is good to start with a small scale beekeeping exercise which will allow you gather knowledge on management skills. One will then gather enough experience and finances to handle extensive operations as time goes by. Starting losses will also be minimal and endurable by the person since they will be relatively small.

One can begin beekeeping with as low as a thousand dollars. This will cater for at least two beehives as well as other equipments such as smokers, honey extractors and feeding devices. However, the figure may vary depending on the quality and technology applied in construction of these materials.

Skills like honey harvesting and handling of beehives can only be learned better if one enrolls on the relevant course. This is especially when somebody aims to build his career on bee rearing. The skills acquired in college can be actualized through working with an experienced person in this sector.

New Jersey beekeepers usually form organizations or clubs to enable them exchange ideas on beekeeping. It is also easier to market services and products when farmers are in a society as compared to doing it individually. This is achieved through cost sharing and taking advantage of economies of sale. It is also cheap to purchase blending machines through combined efforts. In addition, each particular member is likely to increase his production since he will have more time to concentrate on the same. This is because the work of marketing the produce will be left to the organization officials.

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