Wednesday, October 10, 2012

The Basics of Installing an Underground Irrigation System

By Keith Klamer

In a depressed residential real estate market, property owners need every tool they can get when it comes time to sell their properties. A great way to add to the value of their home is an underground irrigation system. A competently-installed underground irrigation system will not only keep your real estate looking great, it will also help you cut down on water usage. All of which means more money in your account because of a lower water bill, and more cash upon resale.

If you're frugal, you can always try to do the job yourself. It will almost certainly take longer, and you'll have to do some thinking before you set out, but an irrigation supply distributor can help you with the process. Once you've finished your research, you'll need to come up with a project blueprint. Your irrigation supply company will devise a plan for you that is suitable for the St. Louis area, and even your particular yard.

For example, many irrigation supply professionals will provide, free of charge, a grid template which you can use to plot the location of your house, foliage and other landscape features. After completing it, you can send it back to the distributor who will then plot out the most optimal locations for your underground pop-up sprinklers, water supply lines and other elements of your underground irrigation system.

The distributor will tell you how to check your home's water pressure, which needs to be 60 psi (pounds per square inch) and about 10-13 gpm (gallons per minute) water flow to power an underground irrigation system.

Finally, they will provide a comprehensive list of hardware necessary for the successful installation of your system.

Note: before you start digging, ask yourself a few simple questions:

* Do I really have the time and motivation to complete this project? Depending on the size of your yard, it could take anywhere from a couple days to a couple weeks of hard labor to install your own system. If the answer is no, call a professional contractor.

* Have I purchased enough equipment for the project?

* Have I called all the utilities in the St. Louis area to determine where their buried lines are located BEFORE I start digging?

After all, you don't want to make an expensive mistake trying to put in an underground irrigation system yourself, only to run to a contractor later to rescue you from disaster!

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